Monday, 25 May 2020

Half Term Holiday Project - Please use Google Classrooms to access this

From today all work will be posted onto Google Classroom rather than this blog. You can use this platform to both view and submit work, those already using it have found it very successful. 

Your half term work is on the blog now.

For those of you that have not yet logged in, an email has been sent with the log in information.  Any queries please email or alternatively you can add comments to the work on Google Classroom.  

Friday, 22 May 2020

Friday project

Today’s project has been posted on Google Classrooms
You will find the project on the "Classwork" tap, please complete the task then complete the reflection on the Google docs. 
You will be able to submit the document for me to see. This means you no longer need to write that you have completed the work on the stream. 

We would also like you to email me pictures of your project. 

Friday, 15 May 2020

Friday project - Use Google Classroom to access

Today’s project has been posted on Google Classrooms.  Please log on and email the work once you have finished, I will then be able to give feedback on the work. 

Thursday, 14 May 2020

Challenge Curriculum 14.5.20

Today’s curriculum challenge has been posted on Google Classrooms, please log on, then either leave a message or email the work, so we can see who is accessing the platform.  

French 14.5.20

  1. Click on the link below and do the activities

Work through –

  • Lessons
    • Introduction
    • Full tutorial
      • Introduction
      • Yes or No?
      • Either/Or?
      • What is it?
  • Games
  • Tests 

Maths 14.5.20

Maths challenge: Can you use the information on the cards to draw the one shape which is being described?

Did you need all the information that was given?  Why or why not?

Reading 14.5.20

For your reading today please could you complete at least 30 minutes on Read Theory, I am able to track this and therefore will know how much you have done. Your passwords are in your pack or have been emailed to you.

English 14.5.20

Using your plan from yesterday, we would like you to write your instructional text based on looking after a pet. Remember it can be any pet you want and your writing must contain the success stars that are on the plan.

You might want to watch this video for some advice:

Wednesday, 13 May 2020

Contact with Mr Morris

Dear all, due to a medical emergency involving a family member, Mr Morris is unable to reply to work submitted today.
Thank you for your understanding, Mrs Speak

Curriculum Challenge - Please access

Today’s curriculum challenge has been posted on Google Classrooms, please log on, then either leave a message or email the work, so we can see who is accessing the platform.  

English 13.5.20

Earlier in the year we read How to Train your Dragon. For your writing task this week, we want you to write an instructional text about how to look after an animal.

You can choose any animal to write about, but you must write an instructional text, telling somebody who has never owned an animal before how they should look after it.

Reading 13.5.20

Maths 13.5.20

Tuesday, 12 May 2020

Google Classroom - Please Access

Today’s curriculum challenge has been posted on Google Classrooms, please log on to this so we can see who is accessing the platform.  

This morning I will be sending you all an email inviting you to log in to Google Classroom. This email has your log in details included in it.  I recommend that you cut and paste the temporary password the first time you use it as it has some funny symbols in it.  Once the temporary password has been entered you will be prompted to create your own (please remember this!) 

Work will still be set on the blog until we are all confident on Google Classroom but it has a lot of exciting features that we will be able to use.  The one that I am most looking forward to is Google meets where we will be able to have secure video calls and see each other again!

Please do not hesitate in getting in contact with me if you have any queries.  This following link is the same as in the email that shows you how to access Google Classroom. 

Kind Regards,
Mr Morris

PSHE 12.5.20

Reading 12.5.20

English 12.5.20

Maths 12.5.20

Monday, 11 May 2020

Curriculum Challenge

Curriculum Challenge 

In addition to the work that should be completed in your book and emailed to Mr Morris and Mrs Sundaram, we are now going to add a daily challenge to the blog.

Feedback will not be provided on this work but is there to ensure that learning occurs in all areas of the curriculum, not just maths, English and reading. As lock down goes on for longer and longer, it is important that we keep learning about all subjects.

Please find this week’s challenges below

English 11.5.20

Maths 11.5.20

Reading 11.5.20

Wednesday, 6 May 2020

Curriculum Challenge

In addition to the work that should be completed in your book and emailed to Mr Morris and Mrs Sundaram, we are now going to add a daily challenge to the blog.

Feedback will not be provided on this work but is there to ensure that learning occurs in all areas of the curriculum, not just maths, English and reading. As lock down goes on for longer and longer, it is important that we keep learning about all subjects.

Please find this week’s challenges below


French 6.5.20

Reading 6.5.20

Read Theory 

For your reading today please could you complete at least 30 minutes on Read Theory, I am able to track this and therefore will know how much you have done. Your passwords are in your pack or have been emailed to you.

English 6.5.20

Maths 6.5.20

Tuesday, 5 May 2020

Curriculum Challenge

Curriculum Challenge 

In addition to the work that should be completed in your book and emailed to Mr Morris and Mrs Sundaram, we are now going to add a daily challenge to the blog.

Feedback will not be provided on this work but is there to ensure that learning occurs in all areas of the curriculum, not just maths, English and reading. As lock down goes on for longer and longer, it is important that we keep learning about all subjects.

Please find this week’s challenges below

PSHE 5.5.20

reading 5.5.20

Google Classroom

Please remember all work will now be posted onto Google Classroom rather than this blog. You can use this platform to both view and submit w...