Thursday, 14 May 2020
English 14.5.20
Using your plan from yesterday, we would like you to write your instructional text based on looking after a pet. Remember it can be any pet you want and your writing must contain the success stars that are on the plan.
You might want to watch this video for some advice:
Google Classroom
Please remember all work will now be posted onto Google Classroom rather than this blog. You can use this platform to both view and submit w...
This half term in science we were meant to be studying the heart. Therefore, for today’s project I would like you to answer this question: ...
Today’s project has been posted on Google Classrooms Y ou will find the project on the "Classwork" tap, please complete the tas...
Today’s curriculum challenge has been posted on Google Classrooms, please log on, then either leave a message or email the work, so we ca...